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Garden City of Seven lakes

Nepal is country of Lord Buddha and Mt. Everest. It is full of fauna and flora. The natural beauty of Nepal attracts millions of tourists. They are from various countries of the world. White Water Rivers are very much famous.They are famous for rafting in Nepal. There are many lakes and ponds in Nepal. Among them Fewa and Begnas lakes are much popular. Begnas Lake lies in Lekhnath municipality of western development region.  Lekhnath municipality is also known as garden city of seven lakes. Including Begnas Lake there are seven lakes. in Lekhnath area. Rupa, Khaste, Dipang, Naurane, Gudhe and Maide are other lakes in Lekhnath municipality. People can enjoy boating in Begnas Lake. During the time of boating you can also enjoy bird watching. in the forest surrounding the lake. The infrastructure of Lekhnath including Begnas  is improving in rapid motion.

Garden City of Seven lakes

The friendly people of Begnas area are always ready to welcome, the guests in their locality. Many home stays are there. for those who are looking for economic travel. The meditation center in Pachibhya is the next point of attraction of Begnas Lake. Gradually and slowly well facilitated hotels, restaurants and hotels are being built in Lekhnath area.
The shadow of Mt. Annapurna in Begnas Lake looks quite lovely. in the clear weather day. Government of Nepal is also planning to join all seven lakes with cycling track. Your Pokhara visit will not be complete unless you visit Lekhnath municipality. and Begnas Lake. Begnas is also the gate way to Lamjung district. It is the starting point of royal trek. The Begnas village to the east of lake is so beautiful. In a nutshell I hereby would like to suggest all domestic and international tourists to visit Begnas Lake. And make the trip more interesting and enjoyable. Seen Begnas is better than heard Begnas.

