
sasto air ticket

Upper Mustang Trek

Upper Mustang trekking has long-lived a very Life and which was one of the restricted area until 1991.Upper Mustang is very popular trekking region in Nepal. Upper Mustang is hidden behind the majesty Himalayan ranges; Mustang is filled with beautiful trekking zones. One special factor about Mustang is being under the rain shadows of Himalayas, Upper Mustang receives little amount of rainfall resulting making it dry and dried-very similar to Tibetan plateau. It is the one, which is still not spoilt by trekkers. Due to inaccessible to outsiders, the people of Upper Mustang region are successful to maintain their life style and heritage which remain almost uncharged for centuries .upper Mustang consists of two distinct region: south region with five villages inhabited by Mangoes  and  the north region (ancient kingdom of lo) where the culture ,language and tradition are similar to that of Tibetan, you can enjoy the panoramic view of Nilgiri ,Annapurna Dhaulagiri and several other peaks to make your trek memorable . Also, Upper Mustang is influenced by Tibetan Buddhism where you can entertain yourself by rare crafts of medieval era .The most important issue is that you need special permit from Nepal Government which you get through TAN registered Travelling agency completely undisturbed state.

To access Upper Mustang Trekking set off from Kathmandu will be right choice. From upper Mustang you can have flight through pokhara to jomsom, your adventurous journey being when reaching to kagberi where police check posts makes enquiry. Here you can enjoy trekking to chussang, samar,ghiling, tsarang, Lo Manthang.Also you can visit to mangyd monastery, chooser monastery and Tigar Monastery .These houses and monasteries have medieval look and unique local architecture which are built with stone and sun bared mud bricks. You can visit holy cave, rang by Uno and can trek to kagberni.People living in upper Mustang are of Tibetan origin, and belong to bhotias and load communities. Festivals celebrated by them are religious in nature but still Tiji festival is the biggest. You can believe that trekking in Mustang will reward you with a rare visit to a place which is untouched by modernity, protecting ancient Buddhist culture and invaluable art objects in high Himalayan Desert.

Upper Mustang trek in such a unique place, months from March to May and September to November would be the best. And if you want to continue your journey, you can have more alternatives to trek in Manaslu. Upper Dolpa , kachenjunga, Makalu ,Tsum valley.

