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Chasing sunrises — and mountains — in Nepal

Where, when, why: We journeyed to the place of never-ending peace and love — Nepal — in January . We stayed in Kathmandu and Pokhara for one week and ate traditional Nepali street food, drank masala tea every day and trekked in freezing temperatures for a tremendous view of the deadly and beautiful Himalaya Mountains
Highlights and high points: The morning we woke up before the sun was my favorite moment in Nepal. Since we had already climbed Sarangkot, we decided to hire a car to take us up the mountain.
Eventually, we made our way to an opening that overlooked the city of Lakeside. At that point, we hadn’t seen the Himalayas at all because of the dense fog. I could barely make out an outline of something in the star-filled, inky dark. Incrementally, the moon and the stars slowly disappeared from view and the sky ever so slightly began to get lighter. We could see the sun start to rise on our right, and the massive silhouette began to turn into mountains. Slowly, the sun climbed higher and changed the mountains from black to orange to pink to white. It was the biggest, most humbling thing I’ve seen.
Cultural connection or disconnect: We got a chance to visit the Tibetan Refugee Camp about 20 minutes outside of Pokhara. I have to say that it was a small and extremely impoverished area that these displaced Tibetans now have to call home. We were invited into the monastery, asked to sit on a threadbare rug and listen. We sat there for nearly an hour as the monks switched from praying to chanting to throat singing and back again. It was a cycle that seemed to build and build and culminate into this fervor of drums and horns and voices.
Biggest laugh or cry: We spent the majority of our time in the area of Pokhara and did some minor trekking up Sarangkot. They claimed it would take 
1½ hours but three hours later, we were still struggling up this mountain. Every time we would come upon a break in the trees we thought, “This is it! we’ve made it!” but no, not so.
How unexpected: While we were there, I was constantly surprised by the genuine niceness of the people . They were kind, inclusive and warm. I’ve traveled to many countries and very rarely are such an isolated people so welcoming to obvious outsiders. We were invited to try their food, try their drink and dine with them. It was truly an experience of human connection.
Fondest memento or memory: I think that one of the greatest things I took away from my time in Nepal wasn’t a physical item, but a feeling. It left me feeling small, and for that I’m thankful. I’m thankful for the change in perspective and for an understanding that there are things in this life that are far beyond our imagination and comprehension.
from washingtonpost 

